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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Chillax Kind

Photo taken from Deviantart by: suzinxlyn

Some time last week, my good and old friend Gretchell (when I say old, I don’t mean aged, I meant we go way back) and I were discussing about friendships, bestfriends and friend relationship altogether. This topic was brought about by her asking my why I wrote my other article Goodbye My Friend. So I told her about this one friend that I had for 20 years and suddenly realized I lost just this year. I told her all the story behind it, all the reasons why the friendship ended and talked more about the person behind the story. Then she told me she had a friend whom I actually know that is somewhat like the person I was talking about, so she told me stories about her friend and how disappointing the situation seems at times. And we went on and on telling each other stories about friendships and relationships.

Then during the whole conversation the words “Chillax Friendship” appeared. This is how we described our friendship. We are not the closest friends, we are not the type who tell each other every detail of our lives and our days, we are not the type of friends who tell each other our deepest darkest secrets on a regular basis, but we are close, in a way that as distant friends can be. We know about each others lives, we know some of each others secrets, we chat with each other WHEN we feel like chatting, we rant to each other about the misfortunes of life and we chat about any random things that we can think about, but unlike other types of friendships which needs constant rekindling and communication, we never felt the need to constantly nudge each other, or buzz each other. We may see the other online and not say Hi and we know that we are still friends. This is the type of friendship that has no expectations and no disappointments, A chilled and relaxed type of friendship.

I am happy to say that this is probably the best type of friendship there is, knowing that when you need that person he or she can be there to listen, but you know that you don’t need to constantly take care of the friendship. You know that the friendship is and will always be there, no matter how long you have last spoken and no matter where you guys left off.

Most of my friendships are somewhat like this, My Best Friend Kate and I do not need to constantly be together, we often talk when there is need to talk, although we make it a point to see each other once in a while, so I could say Kate is My Best Semi-Chillax Friend. And if you are going to ask me right now whom I consider is the epitome of my Chillax Friendship, I’d tell you without hesitation its Gretchell.

So heres to all the Chillax Friendships out there, may we all continue having more and more great Chillax Friends! :)

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