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Friday, April 23, 2010

Electric Shock

meralcoIts the time of the month when every Filipino gets their electric bill, and what a shock that has been for us. Our current Electric bill costs PHP15,000 and that is just waaaaay too high. Some of my friends electric bills which was just around PhP3000 last month is at PhP5000 this month, thats a really big increase. I know its hot and appliances are working more because of the heat to keep cool, but the main reason I believe for this increase is that now the Kilowatt hour cost of the electricity is at PhP13. Why??? when 5 months ago it was just at around PhP8 per kilowatt hour. Why did our electricity cost so high now, what changed? what improved? Are the Filipinos working their asses off just so they can pay the electricity bill? and why isn’t our government, the people who swore to protect the nation from injustices and cruelty not doing anything about this?

Electricity is important to us, but it is also important that after we pay our bills we have enough money left to buy food, pay for education. But whats happening right now is every penny earned is every penny spent on electricity alone? Whats going to happen to us if this persist? We won’t have even a peso saved to secure our future and our children’s future, just because we need to pay such high electricity cost. I call our government to take action, The Filipino People cannot survive with this kind of expense.

I call on Meralco to take pity on the people. Do not let us drown in electric bills and your high prices. We are suffering enough as it is without you adding to our burden.

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